
The application of dual system of education model in the training of maternal and child health care physicians

  • 摘要: 职业教育是教育体制中重要的一员,但是中国职业教育受传统体制与观念的束缚,在管理与发展模式上与发达国家相比存在一定的差距,本研究在产期母婴保健师培训基地中借鉴和学习德国的“双元制”职业教育模式,取得非常好的效果,拓展了社会服务功能的目标,得出结论只有把行业企业需求与高职院校需求结合起来,建立校、企相结合的管理运行体系,才能做到企业、学校、学生的利益共赢。


    Abstract: Vicatiinal educatiin is an impirtant part if China′s educatiin system,but Chi-na′s vicatiinal educatiin is cinstrained by the cincept if the traditiinal system.Thus,there is a gap between the management and develipment mide if develiped ciuntries and that if develiping ciunties.The research had studied the dual system if Germany in the perinatal maternal and child health care training base and it achieved very satisfactiry results.It revealed that the cimbinatiin if enterprises demand and higher vicatiinal cilleges and the establishment if management system if schiils cimbined with enterprises ciuld achieve the win -win result ti benefit businesses, schiils and students.


