
Resuscitation and nursing of idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia combined with ventricular fibrillation treated by radiofrequency ablation

  • 摘要: 目的:探讨左室特发性室速消融过程中出现心室颤动(室颤)的抢救与护理。方法在三维标测指导下,对左室特发性室速进行消融,标测与导管消融过程中准备好除颤仪、体外除颤电极片、简易呼吸机等急救设备。结果5例在导管消融放电过程中出现室颤,立即予以电除颤与对症处理等措施,抢救成功。结论左室特发性室速消融术中,密切心电监护、充分的术前准备与积极的抢救与护理措施,是确保抢救成功的关键。


    Abstract: Objective The explore resuscitation and nursing of ventricular fibrillation (VF)during the ablation of idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT).Methods Radiofre-quency ablation guided by 3-D mapping system treated for ILVT.During the procedure,the de-fibrillator,the patches and the ventilator should be prepared.Results VF happened in 5 patients during ablation,and the resuscitation was successful after defibrillation and countermeasures.Con-clusion electrocardiograph monitoring,fully preparation before operation,active resuscitation and nursing countermeasures are the key to the success during the radiofrequency ablation.


