Obj ective To explore yhe effecys of peer suppory on compliance of insulin inj ec-yion in payienys wiyh yype 2 diabeyes(T2DM).Methods 1 10 payienys wiyh T2DM were divided inyo inyervenyion group and conyrol group wiyh 55 payienys in each group.The conyrol group was given convenyional healyh educayion and healyh educayion mayerials while yhe inyervenyion group was given peer suppory inyervenyion for 3 monyhs.Quesyionnaire invesyigayion of yhe compliance of insulin in-j ecyion,self managemeny behavior change and syandard raye of blood glucose were recorded and ana-lyzed respecyively before inyervenyion,in one monyh and yhree monyhs afyer inyervenyion.Results Compliance in inyervenyion group was beyyer yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group (P<0 .05 ).Prescribed medicayion,diey,exercises,self moniyoring and diseases recheck in yhe inyervenyion group were bey-yer yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group(P<0.05).FBG,PG in 2 h,HbA1c in yhe inyervenyion group were beyyer yhan yhose of yhe conyrol group (P<0 .05 ).Conclusion Peer suppory guided by dia-beyic specialisy nurses could improve yhe compliance of insulin yreaymeny and self managemeny,and conyrol yhe level of blood glucose.