Clinical study on the repair of complex wounds in the lower leg using free lateral femoral flap with blood supply from the medial gastrocnemius artery
方法回顾性分析2020年10月—2022年9月苏州瑞华骨科医院收治的11例小腿复杂创面患者的临床资料。患者均存在小腿大面积皮肤及皮下软组织缺损, 均接受游离对侧大腿股前外侧皮瓣修复,受区以腓肠肌内侧头动脉为供血动脉,供区皮肤直接缝合。
结果11例患者11块游离皮瓣均成活,供区、受区创面均Ⅰ期愈合。出院后患者均获随访,随访时间12~35个月。术后12个月随访结果显示,所有患者创面愈合良好,皮瓣外观、弹性良好; 所有患者恢复正常膝、踝关节功能,具有自主生活能力; 供区伤口愈合良好,无明显瘢痕增生。末次随访时,皮瓣感觉功能评定为S3级者2例、S2级者9例; 患肢功能评分达优者5例、良者6例,优良率高达100%。
Abstract:ObjectiveTo investigate the surgical method and clinical outcome using the free anterolateral thigh flap with the medial gastrocnemius artery as the recipient artery for the repair of complex wounds in the lower leg.
MethodsA retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 11 patients with complex wounds in the lower leg admitted to Suzhou Ruihua Orthopedic Hospital from October 2020 to September 2022. All patients had extensive skin and subcutaneous soft tissue defects in the lower leg and received free anterolateral thigh flap repair with the medial gastrocnemius artery as the recipient artery. The skin of donor site was directly sutured.
ResultsAll 11 free skin flap survived in 11 patients, and both the donor and recipient sites healed in stage I. All patients were followed up after discharge, with a follow-up time of 12 to 35 months. The follow-up results at 12 months postoperatively showed good wound healing, good flap appearance and elasticity, restoration of normal knee and ankle joint function, and independent living ability. The donor site wounds healed well without significant scar hyperplasia. At the last follow-up, the flap sensory function was graded as S3 in 2 patients and S2 in 9 patients. The functional score of the affected limb was excellent in 5 patients and good in 6 patients, with an excellent and good rate of 100%.
ConclusionThe medial gastrocnemius artery has a suitable vessel caliber for anastomosis and a constant location. The use of the free anterolateral thigh flap with this artery as the recipient artery for the repair of severe wounds in the lower leg can effectively cover soft tissue defects and avoid injuring the residual main vessels in the lower leg, resulting in satisfactory outcomes.
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