In order to investigate the regularity of heart valves regurgitation (HVR) in normalchildren, this study analysed 57 heart valves with signficant regurgitati0n in 51 cases 0f children with n0r-mal innerheart structure by Colour Doppler Echocardiography. Among them, HVR involved m0st in puLmonary artery valve (33 cases, 64.8% ), secondly in tricuspid valve (12 cases, 35. 3 % ), thirdly in mitralvalve (6 cases, 11. 7% ). No case involved in aortic valve- Six cases of HVR involved in two valves in thesame child- Among different age-groups, pulmonary artery valve regurgitation occurred most in 6 to 10years group (84% of all HVR in this age-group, P0. 05). The authors concluded that in children withnormal inner-heart structure, most HVR, especially pulmonary artery regurgitation, were characterizedby physiologic changes, which could be explained by the specificity of children's heart anatomy and hemodynamics, and should be follwed up with children's growing to see if HVR be disappeared