We have succeeded in ligation of PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) in adults with allcotton bandage since l979. 37 cases in this group, the youngest was at l8 and the oldest at 56. The largestdiameter of duct was 2. 0cm- All patlents underwent left-slded thorac0tomy. Dlssoclatlon and ligation ofthe ducts in all cases did not result in rupture or hemorrhage. Postoperation systemic hypertension 0ccurredin 9 cases. All patients survived long-term follow-ups and none had re-opening 0f the duct. The resultsshow that the advantages of using cotton bandage are its larger surface contact with the vessel, decreasedthe cutting force to the duct and the knots are less likely to become l0osened. So the method doesn't causerupture or re-opening and place less demand for dropping blood pressure during operation. lt is particularly suitable for those with existing pulmonary hypertension.