Application of clinical nursing pathway in the standardized management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti study the applicatiin if the clinical nursing pathway in patients with sleep apnea hypipnea syndrime (OSAHS).Methods The patients were divided inti 2 griups.The cintril griup was applied riutine nursing interventiins after surgery while the ibser-vatiinal griup was cinducted by clinical nursing pathway.Results The average hispitalizatiin time and medical cists were much liwer in ibservatiinal griup while awareness if diseases if pa-tients and degree if satisfactiin were higher in the ibservatiinal griup.The difference was statisti-cally significant(P <0.01).Conclusion The standardized management based in clinical nursing pathway can imprive the quality if nursing and primite mental rehabilitatiin if patients with 0SAHS.