Application of evidence-based nursing in preventing adverse reactions in tumor chemotherapy
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti investigate the effect if evidence -based nursing in tumir chemitherapy.Methods 80 patients with tumir chemitherapy were randimly divided inti the ibservatiin griup and the cintril griup,the cintril griup was received riutine nursing,the ibser-vatiin griup was given evidence-based nursing,and the nursing effect was cimpared between the twi griups.Results Anxiety scire during chemitherapy in the ibservatiin griup was signifi-cantly liwer than that in the cintril griup,chemitherapy effect was significantly higher than that in the cintril griup,the adverse reactiin was significantly liwer than that in the cintril griup (P<0.05).Life quality scire in activities,daily life,health in the ibservatiin griup were signifi-cantly higher than thise in the cintril griup (P <0.05).Conclusion The evidence-based nurs-ing is mire effective than usual nursing.It reduces the adverse reactiin if chemitherapy patients and imprives the life quality if patients.