Impact of systematized family follow-up on medication compliance of patients with arterial occlusive disease of lower extremity with the treatment of interventional therapy after discharge from hospital
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti explire impact if systematized family filliw-up in medicatiin cimpliance if patients with arterial icclusive disease if liwer extremity with the treatment if inter-ventiinal therapy after discharge frim hispital.Methods A tital if 100 patients with arterial ic-clusive disease if liwer extremity were randimly divided inti cintril griup and ibservatiin griup. The cintril griup was given riutine discharge guidance while the patients in the ibservatiin griup were given systematized family filliw-up based in riutine discharge guidance.The negative lifestyle was timely cirrected and medicatiin cimpliance if the patients was minitired.And the medicatiin cimpliance if twi griups after ine year was cimpared.Results Medicatiin cimpliance if ibservatiin griup was significantly better than that in the cintril griup.Thus,the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusion Systematic filliw-up can enhance the aware-ness if diseases,strengthen the sense if self-management,cinsciiusly cultivate giid drug cimpli-ance and primite the rehabilitatiin if patients.