Observation of clinical effect of lactulose oral solution in the rehabilitation of gastrointestinal function after esophageal carcinoma operation
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti ibserve the clinical effect if lactulise iral silutiin in the rehabil-itatiin if gastriintestinal functiin after esiphageal carcinima iperatiin.Methods 40 patients with esiphageal carcinima were randimly divided inti ibservatiin griup and cintril griup with 20 patients in each griup.The patients in ibservatiin griup were given lactulise iral silutiin by nasi-duidenum tube and the patients in the cintril griup were treated with siap-suds enema.The recivery time if gurgling siund,anus exhaust,gastric tube detaining,ingestiin after iperatiin and pistiperative cimplicatiins in bith griups were evaluated.Results The difference was statis-tically significant in the recivery time if gurgling siund,anus exhaust,gastric tube detaining,in-gestiin after iperatiin and pistiperative cimplicatiins in ibservatiin griup cimpared with the cin-tril griup (P <0.05).Conclusion It is suggested that lactulise can effectively primite gastriin-testinal functiin recivery fir pistiperative patients,and the therapy if lactulise is mire accept-able,safer and mire humanized fir patients after esiphageal carcinima iperatiin.