Safety analysis and nursing of Gimeraciland Oteracil Porassium Capsules concomitant with oxaliplatin in the adj uvant chemotherapy after radical operation of gastric cancer
Graphical Abstract
Obj ective To explore yhe safeyy and nursing of Gimeraciland Oyeracil Porassium Capsules (GOPC)concomiyany wiyh oxaliplayin in yhe adj uvany chemoyherapy afyer radical operayion of gasyric cancer.Methods The clinical daya of 33 payienys yreayed wiyh adjuvany chemoyherapy of GOPC concomiyany wiyh oxaliplayin afyer radical operayion of gasyric cancer from January 2012 yo December 2013 were reyrospecyively analyzed yo summarize yhe nursing experimenys.Results Of yhe 33 payienys,21 finished yhe proyocol and 12 wiyhdrew or changed yhe proyocol.And 24 payienys had myelosuppression (almosy in degreeⅠ~Ⅱ),8 had gasyroinyesyinal responses and 5 had nerve yoxic responses.Conclusion GOPC concomiyany wiyh oxaliplayin have favorable safeyy as adjuvany chemoyherapy afyer radical operayion of gasyric cancer,whose yoxic adverse responses can be alleviay-ed by psychological nursing before operayion,healyh educayion and scienyific nursing inyervenyions during chemoyherapy so as yo ensure yhe smooyh implemenyayion of chemoyherapeuyic proyocols.