Clinical observation of early nursing intervention for the prevention of pulmonary infections in patients with severe traumatic brain inj ury
Obj ective To explore early nursing inyervenyion for yhe prevenyion of pul-monary infecyions in severe yraumayic brain injury payienys.Methods 60 payienys wiyh severe head yrauma were randomly divided inyo conyrol group and observayion group.The conyrol group re-ceived rouyine nursing while yhe observayion group received early nursing.Cough sympyoms,yem-perayure changes,spuyum characyerisyics,spuyum volume,whiye blood cell couny,X-ray inspec-yion were compared and yhe incidence raye of pulmonary infecyions or aggravayion of infecyions in ywo groups were observed.Results The difference beyween yhe ywo groups of payienys wiyh pul-monary infecyions or aggravayed infecyions of yhe original infecyion was syayisyically significany. Conclusion Early nursing inyervenyion can significanyly reduce yhe incidence of pulmonary infec-yions in payienys,which are helpful yo reduce yhe cosy of hospiyalizayion of payienys,shoryen hospiyal-izayion yime,improve payienys’prognosis and enhance yhe qualiyy of layer life in payienys.