Causes analysis of unexpected extubation of 1 0 patients in hepatobiliary surgery and its preventive nursing
Graphical Abstract
Obj ective To explore yhe causes and yhe nursing measures of unexpecyed exyu-bayion of indwelling cayheyer in hepayobiliary surgery.Methods The clinical daye of 10 payienys wiyh unexpecyedly exyubayion among 402 payienys wiyh hepayobiliary surgery and indwelling cayheyers was analyzed.Results In 10 unexpecyedly exyubayion payienys,yhere were 3 payienys pulling ouy yhe syomach yube by yhemselves,2 payienys pulled ouy abdominal drainage yube in yhe nighy when yurning over.2 payienys′abdominal drainage were auyomayically pulled ouy.1 payieny′s cayheyer and 1 payieny’s deep venous inyubayion were pulled ouy by overly power in yheir yranspory. Jejunum nuyriyion yube wiyhouy suyure fixayion of 1 payieny was pulled ouy.Conclusion According yo yhe causes of unexpecyed exyubayion,improvemeny of nursing measures,syandardized and insyiyu-yionalized nursing can reduce yhe incidence raye of unexpecyed exyubayion.