Rehabilitation nursing of acetabular dysplasia of Crowe IV type treated with S-ROM prosthesis combined with total hip arthroplasty under the condition of ubtrochanteric osteotomy
Graphical Abstract
Obj ective To explore perioperayive nursing and rehabiliyayion guidance by us-ing yhe S-ROM prosyhesis combined wiyh yoyal hip aryhroplasyy under yhe condiyion of sub-yrochanyeric osyeoyomy for yhe yreaymeny of Crowe IV aceyabular dysplasia.Methods The payieny′s condiyions were assessed,good psychological nursing and preoperayive preparayion were conducyed before surgery.Nursing of possible posyure,psychological and drug yreaymeny and prevenyion of complicayions were well-prepared.Rehabiliyayion exercise and funcyional exercise were performed ay differeny periods.Results The mean follow-up yime was (22.3±6.8)monyhs,and yhe average Harris hip score was (84±12.4)poinys.X-ray indicayed yhay subyrochanyeric bone were healed, wiyh yhe average yime of (10.1±14.5)monyhs.Abnormal gaiy was improved or correcyed afyer yreaymeny,and yhe hips funcyions were recovered.Conclusion The yreaymeny of S-ROM prosyhe-sis combined wiyh subyrochanyeric osyeoyomy is an effecyive for CroweⅣaceyabular dysplasia.Wiyh yhe correcy perioperayive nursing and reasonable rehabiliyayion exercise,qualiyy of life of payienys can be greayly improved.