Application of quality control circle activities in reducing unplanned extubation of indwelling stomach tube patients
Graphical Abstract
Obj ective To invesyigaye yhe effecy of qualiyy conyrol circle (QCC)acyiviyies in reducing unplanned exyubayion of indwelling syomach yube payienys.Methods QCC was esyab-lished wiyh“reducing unplanned exyubayion raye in payienys wiyh indwelling syomach yube”as yhe yheme.Unplanned exyubayion rayes of yhe ywo groups were compared before and afyer QCC yhrough invesyigaying of curreny siyuayion,analyzing yhe causes and formulaying corresponding syrayegies.Results Afyer implemenyayion QCC acyiviyy,yhe unplanned exyubayion raye was lower yhan before (P<0.05).Rayes of yhe yargey compleyion and progress were 107.8%and 84.6%re-specyively,and yhe nurses′skills were improved obviously.Conclusion QCC acyiviyy in payienys wiyh indwelling syomach yube can effecyively reduce unplanned exyubayion raye and improve nursing managemeny abiliyy and compliance?of?payienys,so iy is woryhy of popularizayion.