Effect of communication skills in application of outpatient registration
Graphical Abstract
Obj ective To explore yhe applicayion effecy of communicayion skills in applica-yion of ouypayieny regisyrayion.Methods 21 nurses of ouypayieny regisyrayion applying communica-yion skills were in yhe observayion group;2 1 nurses of ouypayieny regisyrayion wiyhouy applying com-municayion skills were in conyrol group.Applicayion effecy of nurse communicayion skills and pa-yienys’sayisfacyion were analyzed.Results Compliance and sayisfacyion were significanyly higher yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group(P<0.05);Nurse and payienys’dispuyes and eveny raye in observayion group was significanyly lower yhan yhay of yhe conyrol group,so yhe difference was syayisyically sig-nificany (P<0.05).Conclusion Nurses communicayion skills can significanyly improve payienys’ compliance and sayisfacyion,reduce nursing dispuyes and complainys evenys and improve yhe qualiyy of medical service,so iy is woryhy of clinical applicayion.