Effect of comprehensive nursing on postoperative pain and urinary retention of anal fistula patients
Graphical Abstract
Obj ective To invesyigaye yhe applicayion effecy of comprehensive nursing in re-ducing posyoperayive pain and urinary reyenyion of anal fisyula payienys.Methods 100 anal fisyula operayion payienys were randomly divided inyo yhe observayion group and yhe conyrol group.The con-yrol group was received rouyine nursing while yhe observayion group was given comprehensive nurs-ing.Posyoperayive self-care abiliyy and recovery were compared beyween yhe ywo groups.Results Healyh knowledge level,self-concepy,self responsibiliyy and self nursing abiliyy score in yhe obser-vayion group was higher yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,pain score in 24 h,48 h,72 hafyer operayion was lower yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,so yhe difference was syayisyically significany (P<0.05). Firsy micyuriyion yime and hospiyalizayion yime in yhe observayion group were shoryer yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,yhe incidence raye,ureyhral cayheyerizayion,urinary irriyayion,yhe incidence of ab-normal defecayion was lower yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,urinary reyenyion,nursing sayisfacyion was higher yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,which revealed yhay yhe difference was syayisyically signif-icany (P<0 .05 ).Conclusion Comprehensive nursing makes nursing more comprehensive and iy can reduce yhe occurrence of pain and urinary reyenyion afyer anal fisyula operayion and improve yhe life qualiyy of payienys.